Online Student Exchange : New Standards in the Post-pandemic Era


Globalization particularly has a great impact on students; it enhances their ability to acquire and utilize knowledge, enhances their ability to access, adopt, and exercise appropriate judgment, but is an expensive and demanding tool and is not equally available to all students around the world due to economic, cultural, and social reasons. The world post-pandemic might not look much like the world before the virus spread and student exchange might not be as easy as before. Now more than ever the online communication is essential. The Online Student Exchange provides socially responsible bi-directional global health programming by using new media and technology to connect students of global health in distant countries around the globe for meaningful collaborative learning. Students have an opportunity to meet international counterparts, recognize complementary strengths, build productive relationships. This exchange provides also equality between students and ensure a multicultural experience. Researchers developed the Online Student Exchange in Global Health to connect university students in the U.S. with Counterpart University students in Lebanon. All experiences were crowned with success and showed the potential to reduce stereotypes and improve attitudes, making the profound benefits of student exchange substantially less expensive and more accessible. The educational experience does not have to be less enriching in the future, it just has to adapt to new standards.


Nael Alami
Vice President, Public Health, Modern University for Business and Science, Lebanon


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Globalization, Multicultural, Inequality