Rethinking Remote Learning : Co-teaching in the Online Classroom


In order to best serve our students in urban, rural, and international contexts, we use a co-teaching model in the Master of Development Practice (MDP) and Master of Arts in Education (MAE) Programs that connects students online to create a online synchronous learning experience. In this study, I talk about systems and structures we have put into place in order to create optimal student engagement. Grounded in the guiding principles of co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and co-communication, I discuss how various co-teaching strategies can be utilized for both content delivery and understanding. For example, utilizing the “one teach, one assist” co-teaching strategy in the Zoom classroom, instructors can work collaboratively to develop students’ content understanding while simultaneously addressing more immediate needs (i.e. connectivity, student behaviors, participation, questions and comments) via the “chat” function. Additionally, instructors can use breakout groups to employ the “complementary/supplemental” co-teaching strategy, in which one instructor works with students on the assigned content for that class session, while the other instructor works with students who need information and/or materials extended or remediated. By utilizing various co-teaching strategies in remote learning environments, we have found co-teaching to be an effective and efficient way to connect students across modalities and contexts in order to best meet their learning needs.


Cristin Lasser
Assistant Professor, Education, Regis University, Colorado, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Remote Learning, Co-Teaching, Distance Education, Technology and Education, Higher Education