The Visibility of the Seen and Unseen: The State's Expendability Project in the U.S. and Nicaragua during COVID 19


What is keeping us safe from the outside world that is “often tethered to the death of the Other” (King, xi)? And in the same vein, when the call of action demands for us to #STAYHOME, are some of us even safe in the places we call home considering domestic violence and physical abuse and even state sanctioned violence? These questions signal to how the stifling COVID-19 climate, where the already expendable lives of people of color, queer, elderly, the immigrant and undocumented, and the incarcerated are given primary consideration to be disposed of and read as collateral damage “for the greater good” of the nation or in other instances see the total dismissal of state responsibility to ensure life.


Thelma Patnett
Graduate Student, Anthropology, UC Riverside


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Power of Institutions


Stay At Home Expendability violence collateral damage disposability the state