New Paradigms in Progressive Taxes: Decreasing Profits Law and a Proposal of Algorithm


The logic of an efficient redistributive tax has to deal with its ability to relieve (in the simplest way) absolute and extreme poverty without charging wealthiest deciles with excessive taxes, decreasing their potential to invest and generate more wealth. Decreasing profits law must be considered to a fair approach. A fair theory of wealth redistribution (like helded by Rawls) must be, at the same time, optimal and simple, according to a basic algorithm. This paper proposes one based on deciles of wealth distribution and very simple maths.


Alberto Saco
Profesor Titular, Sociologia, Ciencia Política, y de la Administración y Filosofía, Universidad de Vigo


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Networks of Economy and Trade


Wealth redistribution, Progressive taxes, Decreasing profit law, Algorithm