Hizmet Refugees in Canada : Community Adjustments


This paper examines the recent influx of Turkish refuges from the Hizmet movement to the greater Toronto area (GTA). The Hizmet movement is an Islamically-based transnational civil society movement inspired by the teachings of Turkish religious scholar Fethullah Gülen that advocates for universal education, dialogue-building, and peace.The aims of the research are: (1) to analyze why/how these estimated 6,000 Hizmet refugee claimants (3,500 in the GTA) are seeking political asylum in Canada; 2) to assess the initial adjustment process for Turkish Hizmet refugees in Canada. Many Hizmet members work overseas in movement-affiliated school, hospitals and charity/dialogue organizations; attain high levels of education/professional status; and speak proficient English. The research considers whether such experiences and educational/professional strengths, in addition to movement philosophies that encourage Hizmet members to interact meaningfully with local communities in which they live, serve as assets in adjustment to life in Canada; and (3) to explore the current state of the Hizmet movement globally and in Canada more locally. The July 2016 Turkish coup attempt and subsequent “blame” placed on Gülen and Hizmet affiliates by the Turkish government disrupted the operational model and structure of Hizmet. Consequently, Hizmet members are having to “rebuild” or “retool” the movement given Turkey’s current political situation and the depletion of human and financial resources related to Hizmet vilification by the Turkish government. .


Elise Lo Bue
instructor, Capital Scholars Honors Program, University of Illinois Springfield, Illinois, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Vectors of Society and Culture


Refugees, Diaspora, Social Movements, Hizmet Movement