A Global Voice for Survival: Thinking and Acting in a Disrupted World


While within and among nations, the asymmetry of power, involving the less favored population, has led to precarious housing, lack of sanitation, fatal endemics, conflicts of all kinds, only when a pandemic had put both rich and poor at risk, it is that is recalled that something is wrong. Human recovery depends on the recovery of what surrounds them and recovery of what surrounds them depends on the human recovery. The process is enabled at various levels, through the links between cultural diversity and biodiversity, between production and consumption patterns. Public policies, communication, advocacy, research and teaching programmes should define and deal with the problems in view of the “general phenomenon”, not as isolated issues, object of segmented projects, reduced academic formats, mass media headlines or market-place’s interests. To change the paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the political, technological, economic, social, cultural and educational institutions, it is mandatory to develop institutional capacity, judicial neutrality, informational transparency and social spaces for civic engagement. To elicit the events, all dimensions of being in the world (intimate, interactive, social and biophysical) should be combined, as donors and recipients, assessing their deficits and assets; the singularity of and the reciprocity between them are complementary conditions for their dynamic equilibrium. The stress on “governance control,” on institutions and institution building, fails to account for the design, formation, and maintenance of institutions, encompassing the role of leaders, elites, and coalitions and the general patterns of institutional failure or corruption.


André Francisco Pilon
Associate Professor, Departamento de Gestão e Política de Saúde, University of São Paulo / International Academy of Science, Health and Ecology, São Paulo, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus—Life after Pandemic: Towards a New Global Biopolitics?


Education; Culture; Politics; Economics; Ethics; Environment; Ecosystems