Searching for Safe Sport


The issue of safe sport for women in Canada is not a new topic. That being said, it is a topic that has recently gained much attention. This project is a documentary researching unsafe sport practices against athletes in women’s sports in Canada and what safe sport looks like in Canada. Drawing on existing literature and interviews with athletes, coaches, officials, and experts, the documentary examines the current state of women’s sports in Canada, in a physical, psychological and economic context. The documentary also highlights the role of sports organizations and policymakers in these contexts and how an unsafe environment is created. It concludes with how these environments can be prevented to ensure the future safety of Canadian female athletes. The documentary also includes comparisons to other countries around the world.


Lindsay McLean
Student, M.A. Media Production/MBA Candidate, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity


Female, Athlete, Safe Sport