How to Make Inclusive Employment a Reality


In Canada the employment rate for people with disabilities is 21% lower than people who aren’t disabled. In the U.S. unemployment is twice as high for people with a disability as it is for people without a disability. Why are there labour shortages when these gaps in employment continue to exist? It can be challenging to address ableism and mitigate its influences in organizational culture. The accountability cookie crumbles across our community with a large portion landing with employers and business operations. Learn how you can recruit and retain people with disabilities and help your organization close the gap on equitable hiring, employment and promotion opportunities for disabled people.


Kim Donaldson
Pathways Lead, Accessibility Innovation, Fable, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Innovation Case Studies


2023 Special Focus: Whose Accountability Revolution? Priorities, Incentive Structures, Organization Cultures


Disability, Employment, Ableism, Accessible, Education, Diversity, Technology, Inclusion, Mentoring