Accountability as a Key Component to DEI Professional Learning Communities


Designing meaningful learning opportunities for professionals engaged in study on diversity, equity, and inclusion topics requires a well-developed curriculum coupled with inclusive pedagogy. This presentation shares strategies for organizing professional learning for faculty, staff, and alumni with the goal of aiding participants in increasing their awareness of DEI concepts and best practices with accountability measures as a key component. The Ambassador for Inclusion Professional Learning Community provides participants with experiences to deepen their understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion topics and opportunities to explore the content with others. Participants willingly engage in independent study, personal reflection, community dialogue sessions, and peer partner meetings to build community and increase accountability. At the conclusion of the program, participants determine their level of responsibility in contributing favorably to inclusive environments and are encouraged to apply DEI principles to their work.


Joyya Smith
Vice President, Diversity, Access, and Inclusion, Suffolk University, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Learning, Inclusion, Curriculum, Pedagogy, Accountability, Reflection, Community, Responsibility