Music in Muskegon Heights, Michigan: An Insider/Outsider Perspective


Muskegon Heights, Michigan is located about three miles south of Muskegon, the largest city on the westside of Michigan outside of Grand Rapids. The average income per household is around $25,000 per year. I taught kindergarten through sixth grade music there from September 2022 to April 2023. The purpose of this study is to advocate for the 250 students I am compelled to leave due to the nature of the work environment. I outline a brief history of music in Muskegon Heights, synopsis of the current state of education, and analyze Edgewood and Dr. Martin Luther King Elementary as case studies ending with my suggestions for any future staff and students enduring a similar experience.


James Alexander
Adjunct Faculty, Arts and Sciences, Lake Michigan College, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Case Studies


2023 Special Focus: Whose Accountability Revolution? Priorities, Incentive Structures, Organization Cultures


Divergence, Diversity, Music, Outreach, Collaboration, Community, Intersectionality