Identification of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Learning Outcomes for Graduate Learners: A Delphi Study


This paper discusses how we used a Delphi Study to define a core set of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ) attributes, knowledge, and skills for graduate learners in our program. The project was in response to our Graduate School’s initiative to establish common graduate learning outcomes to assess institution-wide. Programs selected one of four universal graduate student-learning outcomes to develop- Disciplinary Competence, Communication, Professional Development, or Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEISJ). The Family Social Science graduate faculty determined that our program explicitly addresses three of the four universal outcomes. Although faculty assumed DEISJ was important, explicit attention to the development of DEISJ attributes, knowledge and skills across our five portfolio scholarship domains was missing. Therefore, we chose to address that goal. However, we realized that we lacked clarity and consensus about what DEISJ outcomes to develop, how to develop them effectively, and how to evaluate students’ learning. We engaged four stakeholder groups - current students, recent alumni, graduate faculty, and employers – in two-rounds of Qualtrics surveys to respond to a set of DEISJ attributes, knowledge, and skills to reach consensus on the most important set to develop in family scholars. We then used an appreciative inquiry process with each group to understand their results. Lastly, we host a focus group with representatives from each stakeholder group to share results and work toward shared meaning about a set of DEISJ attributes, knowledge, and skills to present to faculty and graduate students for discussion, feedback, and eventual implementation.


Catherine Solheim
Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Family Social Science, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, United States

Zamzam Dini
Student, PhD in Family Social Science, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Graduate Education, Learning Outcomes, Assessment, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Social Justice