Making Differences Meaningful: Culture and Artistic Mediation at School - Arts and Interculturality


This paper proposes to add knowledge in the understanding of art-education-creativity relations, and their relevance in the educational and communitarian context, in the formative processes, citizenship, participation, valorization of cultural differences and communitarian construction. This thought has acquired relevance in the European context in the face of contemporary political and social instability and fragility. The most original contribution is to think the notion of artistic-cultural mediation in the educational context and not only inside cultural equipments, and to specify the profile and the role of that mediator. The role we defend for the cultural mediator in school contexts, with a legitimacy that we find reinforced in the National Plan for the Arts, is that of a transforming agent in the creation of close links between artists, cultural equipment and the school and educational community. We value the work done through hybrid projects, resulting from the intersection between several artistic areas with a strong relationship with the community, territory and heritage, valuing people differences and make them special and meaningful.


PatrĂ­cia Martins
Student, PHD Student/Researcher, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Cultural and Artistic mediation, Arts,Culture, Education, Human Rights, Diversity