Fostering Diversity and Inclusivity: The Benefits of Classroom Learning Communities


A learning community, as Etienne Wenger (2014), Carissa Romero (2018), and David W. McMillan and David M. Chavis (1986) define it, creates inclusivity through a sense of belonging and social connectedness, which can impact student retention, student well-being, and academic performance. In their response to a divisive social environment, educators have refocused their attention on the positive aspects of the relationship among diversity, inclusivity, and community. We instructors want our classrooms to be safe and welcoming spaces for student voices and the exchange of ideas. This paper argues that inclusive classroom learning communities are essential for promoting equity and providing a supportive environment for all learners. However, building such communities is often challenging, especially in diverse classrooms with students from different educational and social backgrounds. The study begins by defining the classroom learning community and arguing for its importance in fostering inclusivity. Specifically, the it discusses the importance of developing a positive classroom culture, creating opportunities for meaningful student interaction, and providing support for students with diverse learning needs. The author, who trains graduate student teaching assistants and lecturers on pedagogy, draws on research-based best practices and share practical examples from experiences in First Year Writing classrooms. This study encourages deeper understanding of the elements of an inclusive classroom community. It also provides useful strategies and resources to support efforts in creating such communities across classrooms.


Carrie Wastal
Associate Teaching Professor/Director, Muir College Writing Program, University of California San Diego, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Inclusive Education, Learner Diversity, Professional Development, Curriculum and Instruction