The Game Design and Digital Skills Program for Indigenous Youth: Cree Gamers Build Their Own Game Company on the Reservation!


We have been working with indigenous youth at Maskwacis Cultural College, set on a reservation 200 miles from Edmonton over the past 3 years. Initially we shared knowledge on serious game design using the LMS for faculty. Now we are training indigenous youth on card and board game design and digital skills. The level of unemployment and hopelessness is high in some communities. These digital skills can provide solid income flows and careers for people who choose to remain on the reservation and not desert their community by taking their skills to urban centers. To date, we have trained them in Canva, Figma, advanced Power Point, advanced writing from marginalized perspectives and also solid education on Greek, Norse and other mythologies. We consider: 1. how to motivate indigenous youth living on reservations to enter digital careers like game design, 2. how to work with Elders and students to use games to teach non-indigenous people ancient stories such as those in the Bloomfield collection, 3. how to build online learning communities with indigenous youth and lastly, 4. how to respectfully partner with indigenous learning organizations.


David Chandross
Faculty, Masters of Digital Media in the Creative School, TMU, Ontario, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Indigenous Higher Education, Game Design and Indigenous People, Indigenous Stories