Learning Paths in the Multicultural Classroom: Examples from a Greek Primary School


The demographic and linguistic heterogeneity (children whose mother tongue is not Greek) of the student population characterizes the educational reality of the Greek school for at least the last twenty years. Students with a mother tongue other than Greek, with a different nationality and culture attend a school which, despite the curriculum declarations, remains Greek-centric and monolingual. Using ethnographic data and children’s texts individually or in groups, examples are presented from multicultural classes (Greek, Albanian, Bangladeshi students, refugee children from Syria). Through the application of didactic approaches to multiliteracies, samples of work from school classes is presented, where the different mother tongue, language other than Greek, and the students’ experiences are transformed into literacy events in the classroom. Children represent themselves and the world in which they live and move through linguistic expression as desire. The purpose of this study is to highlight the different educational “paradigm” with the aim of starting the dialogue for the essential orientation in a school, which takes into account the language repertoires that coexist in the classroom and the students having an active role in the learning process.


Dora Tsiagani
Principal, 49th Primary School of Athens, Attiki, Greece


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Multicultural education, Multiliteracies, Bilingualism