Learning in the Queer Space: An Interactive Workshop for Communicating Lived Experience to Preclinical Medicine Students


In 2021, we introduced teaching in the LGBTQIA+ space to include 2nd year direct-Entry cohort from Clayton as well as Gippsland Year A students, numbering approximately 400 students. This year we led an interactive LGBTQIA+ workshop to around 1000 early years medical students across all of the Monash medicine footprint, inclusive of Gippsland, Clayton and Malaysia with a team of academics from across the three sites. The online session included guest speakers with lived experience and expertise, break-out rooms, case-studies, chat, Q&A, literature, resources and tools for student support and learning. The sessions were carefully developed with input from the Monash Equity Group and Queer community, other academics and physicians. This session aimed to show young doctors the challenges experienced by those in the LGBTQIA+ community when accessing healthcare. The workshops were evaluated, appeared to be highly successful as rated by both students and staff. Students reported higher confidence in using LGBTQIA+ terminology following the seminar and were overwhelmingly positive in qualitative feedback. Students particularly appreciated the opportunity to work with their colleagues at other sites and we will share some of the student and staff feedback in our presentation. Outcomes included enhanced LGBTQIA+ patient experiences and healthier marginalised communities, following Monash University’s commitment to ‘inclusive communities with meaningful connections’. This study showcases how important and sensitive topics can be taught across campuses - even internationally in cutting-edge, collaborative and novel ways, making the most of available technology.


Brendan Stevenson
Research Affiliate, School of Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia

Ben Seyer
Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity


Queer, Teaching, Education, Medicine, Live, Workshop, Lived, Experience