E-Learning is Boring, In-person Training is Unscalable: Captivating, Documentary-style Storytelling Can Shift Organisational Learning and, Ultimately, Behaviour to Be More Inclusive and Can Do this at Scale


Connecting emotionally to 20-minute long videos about peoples’ personal experiences can offer a new way of learning in a highly competitive digital learning world. Our practice research shows that this new way of learning can be the key to triggering behaviour change in organisations that operate remotely, have little capacity for behaviour change activities but are impatient for change. I present the feedback from participants in a 30-day online challenge who claim “life-changing” effects after watching deeply relatable story-tellers share their experiences in compelling, exquisitely produced, documentary-style videos about diversity and inclusion. I explain the benefits of this format of learning which including offering far more protection for employees who fear sharing their stories in person, as well as the ability to scale this format of learning and position it alongside other engagement sessions, chat forums and even in-person sessions. I share anecdotal evidence of the impact of presenting not just information or research but these two forms of knowledge combined with emotive content to create an atmosphere of compassion, inspiration and, ultimately, urgent organisational change. I share a short video introducing the #30DayInclusionChallenge and also facilitate a discussion on the benefits of this innovative form of DEIB content delivery within organisations that seek both behaviour and culture change.


Roy Gluckman
Co-founder and Director, Run to the Monster, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Innovation Case Studies


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences