Fostering Organizational Change in the Workplace: Social Groups and the Boundaries of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender


The tech industry is one of the fasting growing, most innovative sectors of the economy, and yet, it has consistently failed to increase the number of workers from marginalized groups in its fold. Scholars point to the widespread negative biases that disadvantage workers from marginalized backgrounds in all areas, from hiring to promotions. Positive relationships with co-workers are essential to job performance, evaluations, and prospects for advancement. The existing literature on the inclusion of women and workers from other marginalized groups in elite workplaces has not yet examined more complex forms of relationships vital for inclusion and advancement. This is a pressing issue, as scholars and policymakers will not be able to design effective DEI strategies if social inclusion is overlooked. I address this gap by mapping the patterns of workforce social group inclusion/exclusion along race, ethnic, and gender lines. Drawing upon a representative sample of a survey taken by 525 workers at a leading Silicon Valley firm, I map small social grouping (five or more) and identify the patterns of inclusion and exclusion. Additionally, I show how some workers activate these small group boundaries to create change at work through more inclusive hiring, outsourcing, mentoring, and outreach activities, while other workers do not take these actions, thereby upholding the status quo. I find clear social group exclusion in the workplace. The respondents with more cross-group social group membership reported greater satisfaction with their career trajectories. This project creates actionable research to inform DEI policies in organizations of all kinds.


Rebecca Franklin
Student, ABD, University of California-San Diego, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity


Social, Inclusion, Exclusion, Diversity, Equity, Gender, Race, Ethnic, Workplace, Organizations