The Voices for Inclusion - Lived Experience Series


To further advance of the efforts of the Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce, a speaker series was established to give students in Mental Health Counseling, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant and Speech and Language Pathology programs an opportunity to hear and learn from the voices of experience. Speakers included their experiences advocating for DEI as well as their personal challenges with access and health care. For example, one speaker was a pioneering professional who promoted greater understanding of the intersections of race, gender, sexual orientation and social marginalization in psychotherapy paradigms and practice for over forty years. Another sits on the New York Disaster Interfaith Service and worked with Visiting Nurse Services. The lived-experience stories of each speaker gave students a unique opportunity to learn from experts and empathize with their challenges galvanizing them to take an active part in closing the healthcare gap. This presentation explains the process of establishing the series, its strategic goals, and its impact.


Rivka Molinsky
Associate Dean of Students and Innovation, School of Health Sciences, Touro University, New York, United States

Lisa Thompson
Chair of Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce/Administrive Director, School of Health Sciences, Touro University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Case Studies


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


First-person Naarative, Lived-experience, Healthcare gap