Centering Young Voices in the Creation of a Generation Enhanced Network: Creating a Collaborative Intergovernmental and Community Model for Change


This poster details the creation of a network to address systemic inequities and resource gaps for young people in a racially and economically diverse community in the Twin Cities metro area of Minnesota, USA. Using a Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) model, the Generational Enhanced Network (GEN) team created the framework for an intergovernmental (city, schools, county) and community-based collaborative structure to address the real (not imagined) needs of young people and ensure they are in the driver’s seat of systemic change in their community and beyond.


Jen Westmoreland
Faculty, World Languages and Cultures/English, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities , MN, United States

Dominique Pierre Toussaint
Community Development, Community Development, ICA - Your Community Connectors, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Community Diversity and Governance


Systemic Change, Youth Voice, Intergovernmental, Resources, Youth Participatory Action Research