Interfaith Understandings: Buddhist Perspectives


Religion should not be the tool to divide people, but should be used to bring unity. In this sense, there should be an urgent call for every follower of different beliefs to come and discuss together to avoid misunderstanding among religious. This is when people, regardless of religious, work to promote interreligious relations and mutual understandings. As we like to put it, we are working to encourage interfaith relations. In the case of interfaith relations, Buddhism should be one of the tools to bring the people of different faiths closer. Buddha has been a great role model of interreligious work. So there are some understandings Buddhist today. If we want to unite people from different faiths, Buddhism should have its place in interfaith work.


Ugya Mog
Student, M.A., Magadh University Bodhgaya, Bihar, India


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2023 Special Focus: Whose Accountability Revolution? Priorities, Incentive Structures, Organization Cultures


Interfaith relations, Metta, Buddhist perspectives