Having One without the Other!: How the Work of Diversity and Compliance Foster Inclusive Communities and Organizations


When examining organizational structure and practice among higher education institutions and similar organizations, one struggles to find a cohesive relationship between diversity and compliance that unifies policies and procedures and enhances inclusivity and equity in the organization. For some time in organizational development and management research, the work of diversity and compliance has been left in separate corners of our organizations. It has been widely thought that diversity focuses on inclusivity and equity of institutional communities (with an emphasis on people), and compliance focuses on regulatory practices, legality, and policy adherence (with a focus on rules). However, the work of diversity and compliance can and should be used as a tool that systemically complements one another within an organization. By researching the relationship between diversity and compliance, organizations can evolve from the use of separate measures and policies for diversity and compliance and transform their institutions through the implementation of policy integration and collaboration. My research seeks to show organizations’ best practices for using compliance as a tool to foster inclusive communities through policy and practice with diversity as a foundational principle of compliance. By diversifying our policies and procedures, we then foster an environment of belonging and respect and make inclusivity the “rule”, not the exception.


Jc Campbell
VP, Enrollment and CDO, Oakland City University, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity


Diversity, Compliance, Policy