Open Table: Overcoming the Assumed Belonging in Theological Institutions to a Practice of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging


This workshop presentation draws attention to the delicate assumptions within theological and seminary cultures that reinforce counter-movements to diversity, equity, and inclusion, which restrict a sense of belonging by creating barriers for non-dominate groups and underrepresented faculty, staff, and students. This workshop identifies strategies and approaches seminary institutions can use to intentionally embrace DEIB practices while resisting the assumption that DEIB is synonymous with being Christian. The workshop objective is to provide a theoretical look at the gaps within the institutions and practical tools to pivot toward sustainable practices of DEIB.


Deborah Ann Williams
Project Coordinator, Duke Divinity School, North Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Organizational Diversity


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, Theological, Christianity, Excellence, Bias, Emotional Intelligence, Self-identify, Triggers, Relationship-building, Theoretical Perspective, Socio-historical, Participants, Power Privilege, Social Identity Groups, Institutional Church, Transferable Classroom, Uunfiltered Curiosities, Skill-sets, Pastoral, Congregational Care, Positive Presence, Workplace, Culture, Behavior, Organizational