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Laurel Michele Walzak, Associate Professor, Sport, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Featured Cultural Understanding through the Arts: Hands-on Cultural Training for You and Your Team

Workshop Presentation
Michael C. Liu  

Grounded in empirical research and existing literature, the Cultural Understanding through the Arts (CUTA) workshop is a participatory, interactive session to learn how to enhance individuals' cultural competency and cross-cultural understanding. The session will introduce frameworks and step-by-step instructions for participants to bring the experience back to their classrooms, offices, or daily routines where they can create a sense of belonging. Regardless of the participants' backgrounds and experiences, the CUTA workshop is a save and brave space where everyone feels connected on a deeper level. Facilitated by Dr. Liu, an immigrant and an LGBTQ member who is also a lifelong arts advocate and cultural bearer, this session offers an example of how he bridges empirical research with practices to make a social impact.

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