Understanding the 'How' of Gender Dynamics: A Discourse Analysis of Sweden's Feminist Foreign Policy Handbook


This study cultivates an explanatory to exploratory argument of how the construction of the gender(s), the dichotomy of male and female in international relations and the institution of diplomacy, is accumulated. Such a review helps to critically examine the epistemological discourse of gender dynamics in traditional diplomacy. It enquires the feminist foreign policy handbook of Sweden published by the Sweden government and attempts to draw the gap in research in the discourse of feminist theory of feminist diplomacy that strives to curb gender discrimination via diplomacy. The central question inquires about what constitutes gender(s) in I.R. theories of realism and feminism. It uses Michel Foucault’s concept of discourse analysis of power relations and the Butlerian framework of Performativity; this paper examines the amalgam of the present and the “ideal” theorized episteme of Swedish diplomatic practices. Moreover, It also offers to open up a reflection on anxiety and negotiation between queer theory and the State. Therefore, the paper analyses the traditional approach to diplomacy and feminism, and generate the argument that policy experts can observe to understand the pluralistic universality with a profound understanding of the term gender.


Hitesh Lathwal
Student, MSc Social and Cultural Anthropology, The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Vlaams Brabant (nl), Belgium


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity

