Workplace Discrimination in Japan: Experiences of Highly-Skilled Immigrant Workers


With the population of Japan aging and an increasing labor shortage, many individuals under various visa programs have been allowed to come into Japan as workers. As the country opens up to more foreign workers, racialized and gendered experiences in the Japanese workplace are increasing. This particular issue is once again in the spotlight and under scrutiny. However, the awareness about this problem is still lacking in Japan as there are presently no clearly established regulations or punishments in place to curb racially discriminatory behavior in the workplace against migrant workers. This study emphasizes the phenomenon where the migration experience of individuals tends to differ according to their gender, nationality, and other facets of identity. During the migration process, women frequently experience gender-based inequalities, exploitation, prejudice, discrimination and are more vulnerable than their male counterparts. Additionally, Japan has initiated two new visa categories to help bring in more foreign workers, so the country can address labor shortage, but the government is being criticized for not being able to offer consultations to these immigrant workers. Therefore, this research focuses and dwells on experiences and reflections of highly skilled foreign workers living in Japan and working in Japanese companies. The paper also considers to what extent do racialized and gendered experiences occur in the Japanese workplace for highly-skilled migrant workers. This research is essential as with the advancement of globalization, increasing labor shortage and aging population, Japan is bound to see an influx of highly skilled foreign residents.


Shyamolie Katyal
Student, Doctoral Program, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka, Japan


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Organizational Diversity