Future of Work


We are stepping into a new era, where distance is no longer applicable and collaboration takes a new shape. Metaverse is an unfinished concept, a framework for us to build on. The sky is no longer the limit only your imagination is. This is not something new, VR has been around for many years, but this maturing technology is here to make the experience closer at hand, at lower cost and with more intuitive experience. In this presentation you will learn about what the past has to tell us which will shape the future of work. You will understand the opportunities as well as the limitations and bottlenecks. It’s a new world much like the one we live in today. Do we want to apply the same rules to it, rules that limit us?


Karl Lillrud
Professional Speaker , W.E.SL, Málaga, Spain


Presentation Type

Innovation Case Studies


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Ecommerce, Innovation, Metaverse, Mesh