Paving a Path to Privatization: The History of Healthcare in Detroit


The aim of this study is to provide insight into the privatization of the public Detroit General Hospital. The reasoning and objections behind giving the only public hospital at the time to a private company are examined. The benefits of privatization were more efficient care, less costs for the city government, more up-to-date equipment, and more competition between hospitals (which supposedly would lead to better health care). However, health care has become more expensive; there has been a loss of public jobs, disassembling of unions, and a larger health equity gap. In addition to this assessment, an evaluation of the Detroit safety net and the Urban Health Equity Response Tool with Community-Based Participatory Research are discussed. This is to better understand the health disparities among residents of Detroit. As a whole, Detroit is in one of the best situations to learn from its mistakes in order to better its future. The results of tools aimed at accessing the gap between the uninsured and access to quality care can contribute to conversations on how to improve resident well-being in the city.


Yasmeen Berry
Student, Biomolecular Science and Sociocultural Anthropology, University of Michigan, Michigan, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Community Diversity and Governance


Health Equity, Medical Accessibility, Community-Based Participatory Research, Detroit Safety Net