Virtual International Group Study between Canada and Nepal: Creating Connecting across Diversity?


Our intention to deliver a social work international undergraduate elective two-course field study to Nepal focussing on intercultural competence and the United Nations 2015-2030 Sustainable Development Goals was derailed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, presenting an opportunity to collaborate with Nepalese social work educators to re-envision and deliver a one-month virtual collaborative group study program. The study received institutional approval and students provided informed consent. Canadian students (n=24) granted access to a reflective journal course assignment and Nepali students (n=25) participated in a one-hour focus group via Zoom technology, both of which were thematically analysed to explore how connections were created across diverse contexts. Partnering students from Nepal provided Canadian students with insights on the history, knowledge, and geo- and socio-political contexts of Nepal and both groups of students gained a heightened awareness of the social issues and policies that impact social work and community development in Canada and Nepal. Intercultural competence for the Canadian students was promoted through interaction with panels of Nepalese scholars, practitioners and community leaders, virtual tours of historical, environmental, and cultural sites and community development agencies and experiential learning activities, such as practicing Nepali language, dance, meditation, and the preparation of traditional food, offered hands-on cultural immersion. Challenges to virtual field study included access to technology and information, and unfamiliarity with inquiry-based learning for the Nepalese students and minimal experience working cross-culturally for all. Virtual international field courses can expose students to different and shared global issues and local realities, while highlighting inequities.


Christine A. Walsh
Professor, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Intercultural competence, International group study; Social work; Diversity