Creativity as a Social Development Component to the Local Economy: Proposal of a New Creative Metric


This paper focuses on the idea to propose; one qualitative measurement for creativity because the ones already existing focus on quantitative aspects. The first thing to consider is how inaccurate or easily misunderstood can be the interpretation of the information because of the way rules are set in cases like intellectual property, where you can register in any country without considering the nationality of the researchers involved. The fact of creation is the exploration of our work, most of the time inaccurate situations or empirical. The actual measurements focus on numbers related to the number of creative schools. Professional’s income, tolerance, and a few others. We consider and set other points most related to the creative scene. Given these points, what are we present is the analysis of three creativity metrics. We introduce a new proposal complementing the ones that we already have, considering the empirical work of four creative members of our community in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.


Monica Georgina Avelar Bribiesca
Researcher, Production and Development, Guadalajara University, Jalisco, Mexico


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Rethinking the Local: Who, How, Why?


Words: Creativity, Economy, Development, Social, Metrics