Designing Workshops on Civic Culture for Inclusive Transmedia Storytelling


Active learning revolves around experiences that involve as many senses as possible. Pedagogical activities are therefore usually designed using visual, sound, and audio-visual tools, among others. But what happens when these activities are carried out with children with a visual or hearing impairment? And just to go a bit further: How can civic culture be addressed in a way that not only stimulates meaningful learning, but also enables the construction of a transmedia narrative? This study seeks to formulate a series of active-learning based activities that not only allow children with visual or hearing disabilities to recognise civic culture, but also help them to relate it to their own daily experiences; and that, in turn, serve as input for the subsequent creation of an inclusive transmedia storytelling approach. It starts with a theoretical review based on active learning and inclusion, and then goes on to describe the ‘Peace is my Story’ project conducted by the Secretariat for Peace and Citizen Culture of the Mayor’s Office of Santiago de Cali, Colombia (‘La Paz es mi Cuento’ de la Secretaría de Paz y Cultura Ciudadana de la Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali, Colombia). This is followed by a description of how the workshops were restructured by relying on inclusive active learning on civic culture. This should be conducive to creating outcomes that lead to the future development of an inclusive transmedia storytelling approach.


Ismael Cardozo Rivera
Professor, Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Colombia

Aurora Madariaga
Universidad de Deusto


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences