How We Look and How We Think: The Benefits and Relation of Cognitive and Demographic Diversity


Diversity is an important topic that has permeated all areas of our life. From the political sphere, to our organizational teams, to our social relationships, it can feel that we are constantly bombarded with messages about the importance of diversity. Although diversity is generally quite beneficial, inadvertent damage may be done if we are not precise in defining what we mean by “diverse” and if we conflate the benefits of different types of diversity. This paper explores the benefits of demographic diversity, the benefits of cognitive diversity, and the relation between multiple forms of diversity within each area. Findings include that there are distinct benefits to both demographic and cognitive diversity and that there are generally weak or no relations between these different forms of diversity.


Kylie Goodell King
Associate Professor, Stiller School of Business, Champlain College, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Organizational Diversity


Demographic Diversity, Cognitive Diversity, Benefits of Diversity