Development of Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce in Higher Ed


This poster presents the background, as well as the political and social call to justice that led to the development of the Touro College School of Health Sciences Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce. This student-driven taskforce looks to increase awareness of the lived experience of diverse people when accessing or receiving healthcare in order to promote equitable care of these future practitioners. In addition, the efforts to actively increase student diversity to order to increase a diverse healthcare provider force are presented. Finally, we expound on the challenges of sustained attention on diversity and inclusion during a pandemic.


Rivka Molinsky
Associate Dean of Students and Innovation, School of Health Sciences, Touro University, New York, United States

Sondra Middleton

Lisa Thompson
Chair of Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce/Administrive Director, School of Health Sciences, Touro University, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Organizational Diversity


Diversity, Healthcare, Education