Narrative (and) Power : Facilitating Learning at the Intersection of Intercultural and Critical Literacy Pedagogies in Community College Literature Classes


In the poster session, I share a multimodal resource site that combines my own scholarship with concrete ideas for community college literature classroom (and beyond the classroom) praxis. The focus is teaching literature through a model that exists at the intersection of interculturality and critical literacy pedagogy, grappling with questions regarding how cultural/social/racial selves are constructed, how systems are culturally/socially/racially constructed, how power functions locally and globally, and the historical and contemporary impacts of systemic oppression. The resource site includes theoretical discussions linked to practical applications, sample lessons and projects, and a space for collaborative ideation with colleagues from around the world.


Jen Westmoreland
Faculty, World Languages and Cultures/English, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities , MN, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Anti-Oppression, Critical Pedagogy, Intercultural Pedagogy, Global Literature, Classroom Praxis