Examining the Deficits LGBQ+ High School Student-athletes Experience : Campus Experiences that May Hinder Them from Achieving Success


The purpose of the study is to examine the environmental deficits that are present on high school campuses for high school LGBQ+ student-athletes and how they differ with their heterosexual counterparts. The current problem in the high school environment for LGBQ+ students is that not all of these students feel that they are treated or supported equally in comparison to their heterosexual peers (Human Rights Watch, 2016). The students who are a part of a sexual minority who are also involved in sports at their school may not only experience this marginalization in the educational setting, but in the athletic setting as well. Aspects that can have a critical effect on a student’s life at school may involve peers, coaches, faculty, teachers, support groups, and equitable school rules. Fixing these deficits that are present on these student’s campus will help them to achieve athletic and educational success, especially being a part of a sexual minority. This quantitative study design used an anonymous survey forum to get perspectives, ideas, and perspectives from high school LGBQ+ and heterosexual student-athletes from high schools in the greater Sacramento area. Perspectives from the LGBQ+ and heterosexual participants differed significantly. The study was developed specifically to offer insights for readers on and off high school campuses about LGBQ+ student perspectives with what a high school campus could improve on to help them succeed.


Lindy Valdez
Professor, Graduate Advisor, Past Director of Liberal Studies, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Sacramento, California, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Diversity, Students, Athletes, High-School, Limitations