Translanguaging - Instructional Approach Enhancing Bilingualism and Biliteracy


Garcia introduces the concept of translanguaging as “multiple discourse practices in which bilinguals engage in order to make senses of their worlds”. Translanguaging puts back the emphasis on what people do with language to produce and interpret their social world. Bilingual and multilingual classrooms are social spaces and translanguaging practices are salient features in the communication process. Effective programs for English language Learners (ELLs) have a “ language-as-resource” orientation by using the home language of the ELLs as a resource for teaching and learning. The highest quality of programs helps students to become bilingual and biliterate in English and their home language . The use of translanguaging strategies promote the transfer of literacy between the two languages and to develop biliteracy. Teachers in dual language classes who view their students positively as bilinguals employ translanguaging strategies to affirm their students’ cultures, identities and bilingualism. In traditional dual language classes where the two languages are kept separate, students are not given good model of bilingualism. They do not affirm their students’ emerging bilingualism, an important component of their identity. In contrast, in classes where teachers use translanguaging strategies, they affirm their students’ bilingualisms. This paper reviews tje most current research-based principles and practices that dual-language teachers can use to create an environment where translanguaging practices can be used for a comprehensive understanding of language and bilingualism.


Joaquin Villegas
Associate Professor Emeritus, Teacher Education Elementary/Bilingual, Northeastern Illinois University, Illinois, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Emerging Biliteracy,Dual Language Instruction, Translanguaging