Using the Task-oriented Community-Centered Acquisition Method in Foreign Language Classrooms


The TOCCA method was created with the intention of increasing second (foreign) language acquisition and retention through relevant practice and experiences honoring the rich cultural perspectives of native speakers in our communities. This method combines current research and benefits of comprehensible input practices with the sociocultural aspects of learning language through interaction and immersion. TOCCA is a learner-focused approach. Students’ background experiences and interests provide impetus for the course and shifts the focus from pre-created, text-centered curriculum toward co-created, student-centered learning experiences within the community. In TOCCA, students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning; to reflect upon their needs and interests, spending time to reach their goals. This engages motivation which is known as the one of the most powerful tools in L2 acquisition (Zoltan Dörnyei, 2020). Ultimately, the TOCCA method provides a conceptual framework for teaching language with the understanding that language is best learned in the context of real tasks with real people for the purpose of communication and understanding. It is through these relationships and cultural experiences that motivation is cultivated, immediate relevant feedback provided, and purposeful, timely information learned based on the learner’s needs and interests, and experiences.


Sarah Tahtinen Pacheco
Professor and Chair for the Department of World Languages and Cultures, World Languages and Cultures, Bethel University, Minnesota, United States

Rebecca Skogen
Adjunct Spanish Instructor, Bethel University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Student-Centered, Sociocultural, Second Language Acquisition, Foreign Language Acquisition, Community-Centered, Task-Oriented