Advancing Your Cultural Intelligence : How to Be a More Effective Educator with Diverse Audiences


Demographics are changing rapidly in communities across the globe. In order to increase organizational and individual effectiveness research shows there must be an increased ability to interact respectfully with diverse individuals (Early and Ang, 2003). Unlike previous generations, today’s educators and professionals at every level need skills to be more effective in how they work with diverse audiences. Cultural intelligence (CQ) is the term denoting one’s capability to function effectively in situations characterized by cultural diversity. Organizational and individual effectiveness is increasingly dependent on people who can be effective and respectful in a variety of cultural situations. The good news is, CQ is not fixed; with experience, education, and some simple, but intentional goals and strategies; one can improve her or his CQ. In addition, one can enhance the quality of her or his interpersonal interactions in a wide range of social contexts. This interactive session is designed to provide attendees with practical information to immediately put into practice in order to help them increase their CQ. This session focuses on relationships, by offering attendees useful strategies and tools for effectively interacting with stakeholders such as, co-workers, clientele, committee members, and external partners. As we enter our second century, extension professionals who can effectively interact with diverse individuals will ensure the organization remains relevant, regardless of changes that may lie ahead.


Stephen Brady
Assistant Professor, 4-H Youth Development, Extension - College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Education and Learning Worlds of Differences


Cultural Intelligence, Diversity, Communication, Cross-Cultural, Immersion