US President Joe Biden's Administration: A New Climate Change Agenda


Since the presidential campaign, then US President-Elect Joe Biden pledged to create new climate change initiatives and undo former President Trump’s climate actions. The climate change issue is a key principle for Mr. Joe Biden under the new US administration. This study assesses and identifies elements to achieve a new climate agenda, including national and international elements. The research puts forward two reasons, the Economic-based approach and the Individual approach, why climate change is one of the important issues in the new administration, which has been collected by the relevant literature. In addition, two specific approaches are identified at the International level: global leadership on climate change, global cooperation on the climate change. The author argues that Biden’s administration combines several approaches to address the climate change issue. In short, in the new administration, the national level and its elements have a significant role to play in a new U.S. climate change agenda to make progress on climate change issues.


Majid Asadnabizadeh
Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Political Science and Administration. International Relations Department, UMCS, Poland


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Technical, Political, and Social Responses


Climate change, Joe Biden administration, National elements, International elements