Factors Affecting the Development of Electronic Information Resources at Sultan Qaboos University Libraries


The process of developing electronic information resources is critical as it is the basis of meeting the users’ needs and accessing electronic resources. Therefore, the process should involve right principles and clear foundations to be followed. This study aims to identify the reality of the electronic resources (ER) development at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) libraries, to understand to what extent libraries have committed to the main principles of development the electronic resources, and the effect of using E-resources on the continuity of development and their utility. The semi-structured interview was used to collect detailed and in-depth data of the reality of the electronic resources development and their principles. There were six interviews with staff who are taking the role of developing electronic resources at SQU. While statistical reports were used to identify the usage of electronic resources, and the effect of using e-resources on the continuity of their development. The study showed that several factors affecting the development of electronic resources at the Main Library of Sultan Qaboos University, including financial, technical, and administrative factors. As a result, the study indicates the importance of developing a national consortium to avoid the high cost of electronic resources subscriptions.


Nabhan Alharrasi


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Publishing Practices: Past, Present, and Future


Development of Electronic resources Electronic resources subscription Consortium