Digital Documentary Heritage for the Construction of National/Regional Identity : The Role of National Libraries


The question of self- and national identity has been relevant to many nations of the world, especially to the people of the post-Soviet bloc, Lithuanians included. In recent years, it has contributed to more active research, which is instrumental in trying to better understand and analyze national historical processes, people and their role in the formation of a nation and state. Memory institutions, national libraries in particular, which archives contain the most complete collections of cultural heritage artefacts, are among the key institutions for providing information in researching the topic. Digitized and suitably presented content of cultural heritage is a crucial factor for broadening and encouraging interest in the past and self-identity both for the researchers working in different areas and the representatives of young generation. The study analyzes the services of documentary heritage digital content which are available in today’s libraries in order to bring it closer to the society. It also looks into the expectations of the target group. I base my research on the recent experience of implementing new projects in libraries.


Jolanta Budriūnienė
Director, Documentary Heritage Research, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Lithuania


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Books and Libraries


National Identity, Regional Identity, Cultural Heritage, Digitization Projects, National Libraries