Public Libraries in Multicultural Society


Cultural diversity is an asset, an added value, and an opportunity. Public libraries promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. They play dynamic roles as social meeting places. The purpose of the public library in a culturally diverse society aligns with facilitating the harmonious coexistence of several languages, including language learning; encouraging information literacy in the digital age; mastering of information and communication technologies; promoting universal access to cyberspace; and supporting the exchange of knowledge and best practices with regard to cultural pluralism. Pakistan has rich cultural diversity as the society is largely multilingual, multi-ethnic, and multicultural. This study develops an improved conceptual framework for researching and discussing the public library’s role in this multicultural and digital society. The work serves as a source to develop concepts and best practices of multicultural library work for all librarians concerned with these issues. It provides an opportunity for professionals, students, and library members to create new awareness and practice.


Faiza Bashir


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Books and Libraries


Public Library, Cultural Diversity