Changing Reading Behavior of Pakistani Young Adults


In Pakistan, it is common notion that reading is on decline due to the electronic gadgets like iPads, Smart phones, laptops etc. With the exponential growth and availability of digital contents it is also a matter of concern that how readers interact with digital contents - and whether they are aware of features associated with electronic reading devices. How frequently do they use them for reading/learning purposes? The current study aims to investigate changes in reading behavior during the last five years, and to explore the students’ interaction behavior with digital contents. A survey was conducted using questionnaire as data collection tool. The data were collected from the students of HEC recognized large and medium sized universities of Lahore. Findings confirm that the students reported significant changes in their reading habits. Furthermore, the results highlight usage patterns of techniques/functions while reading on screen.


Saira Soroya


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Reading, Writing, Literacy, and Learning


Changing Reading behavior, On screen reading, Pakistan