Reading Habits of Bulgarian Students in Primary School Education


This study provides research findings about some reading preferences and attitudes of Bulgarian students up to eleven years-old. This research is useful for people interested in the diversity of Eastern Europe’s reading situation. It may help with understanding the intersection of reading, culture, and social environment in a small country as Bulgaria, where students have the same favorite computer games as their peers around the world. The focus of the current publication is on reading in pre-primary and elementary school as a part of understanding the interconnection between reading and digital literacy (project “Digital competencies and Media education at preschool and primary school age”). The paper presents reading research, publication, and frameworks, about reading issue. The author describes the context of the research – the reading situation in Bulgaria, educational system, the most important documents relevant to reading. It also discusses investigations about reading habits in Bulgaria. The paper presents methodology, participants, procedure of the research, and results of it.


Lubomira Parijkova
Associate Professor, Library management and Archivy , University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia-Grad, Bulgaria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Reading, Writing, Literacy, and Learning


Reading, Habits, Bulgarian students, Survey, Results