Teaching Multimodal Digital Storytelling


This workshop addresses the pragmatics of designing and implementing a new curriculum in multimodal digital storytelling as an innovation to replace a more traditional Communication curriculum at a small U.S. university. The curriculum includes introductory courses in creative nonfiction/feature writing, digital storytelling through audio, photography and moving images, and a required practicum at multiple levels to produce a multimedia online publication that replaces a traditional student newspaper. Electives in audio design; digital video editing, producing and directing; documentary photography; web and interactive media design; integrated multimodal storytelling and publication editing provide more focused skills. Students are also introduced to a spectrum of media industries with a focus on the convergence model as well as ethical and legal issues relating to media. Research methods, intercultural communication, and media/cultural theory provide foundational liberal arts frameworks, while pre-professional courses in organizational communication, public relations and advertising strengthen strategic communication skills. Capstone courses include transmedia storytelling and marketing as well as an internship in a related corporate or organizational environment. The session highlights successes as well as stumbling blocks in offering this curriculum as well as key assignments and projects that engage students in developing and publishing multimodal texts.


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Reading, Writing, Literacy, and Learning


Multimodal, Multimedia, Writing, Pedagogy, Integrated, Digital, Teaching, Learning, Transmedia, Curriculum