Libraries and Cultural Tourism: Challenges and Perspecitives


Cultural tourism is an investigated but insufficiently studied phenomenon. It is seen mainly as an industry in its usefulness and contribution to the economy of the country or as an alternative form of tourism that specifically Bulgaria has identified as a priority for development by the Ministry of Tourism. In this sense, the theme is not new, but is insufficiently explored in terms of the correlation between the preservation of cultural heritage and development of cultural tourism in general and in particular on the role of libraries in the process. The objective of this paper is to prove that libraries have considerable potential to play an important role in the development of cultural tourism, to be the center of events related to creative tourism and this potential should be used. The author does not claim to complete comprehensiveness of the affected subjects. It has taken into account the fact that a number of researchers, national and international institutions working in the field of cultural tourism were interested in it. Regardless of its popularity, especially in the last decade have placed new emphasis and are not addressed so far outlined aspects of the role and functions of libraries for the development of cultural tourism.


Mariela Modeva


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Books and Libraries


Libraries, Cultural tourism, Challenges, Perspectives