Metadata, Indigenous Communities, and Regional Responsibility: Procedures of Publisher Accountability to Native Hawaiians


Expansion and successes in digital distribution have urged publishers into a deep modernization of terms for rights and permissions in publishing contracts. As a result of this procedure, University of Hawaiʻi Press has found itself facing the archive-like responsibility for publications that will remain available far after the life of their authors, editors, and contributors. Complications of knowledge ownership are at the forefront of these discussions with authors doing work in Native Hawaiian language, history, and culture. Utilizing data systems to operate within the digital migration throughout publishing, University of Hawaiʻi Press is also looking at a rich backlist of volumes that includes important works of disciplines. As the largest publisher in Hawaiʻi, an American state isolated in the Pacific Ocean, University of Hawaii Press is committed to the Native Hawaiian indigenous community through its current and historical support of publications, its efforts to make works visible and available, and the care taken to account for the cultural community in which the Press resides.


Blaine Tolentino


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Publishing Practices: Past, Present, and Future


Publishing, Native Hawaiian, Indigenous History, Metadata, Marketing, Rights & Permissions