Subtle-effect of Spiritual Books Depending on Their Author


Writing a book on spirituality is not as easy as writing books about the physical world. This is because the subject of spirituality is subtle in nature and therefore an author needs to access subtle-knowledge to write a spiritual book. Authors of spiritual books shape society’s perception about spirituality and how they practise.The team at the Maharshi University of Spirituality has thirty-seven years of spiritual research experience. The spiritual research team studied the process of writing books spirituality. Using aura and subtle-energy scanners along with the advanced sixth sense of its research team, an experiment was conducted to test the spiritual efficacy of the literary works of three categories of authors. It was observed that the book written by a Saint emitted highly positive subtle-vibrations. In contrast, books written by the other two categories of authors, an average person and a self-proclaimed spiritual guide, emitted negative subtle-vibrations. Further analysis revealed that both authors were affected by negative energies. These negative energies influenced how the two authors received subtle-knowledge. Most authors write spiritual books to gain fame and/or fortune. Due to such worldly motives, they do not gain access to Divine guidance. Subtle negative forces take advantage of the worldly ambitions of such authors and try to influence the author’s thoughts to misguide society through his book. Hence, it is recommended that spiritual books should only be written by Saints or under the guidance of a Saint underpinned by a strong foundation of spiritual practice.


Jayant Athavale
Founder, Spiritual Research, Maharshi University of Spirituality, Goa, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Reading, Writing, Literacy, and Learning


Subtle-effect, Books, Writing, Subtle-knowledge, Spiritual, Literature, Subtle-vibrations, Aura