The Comparability of the Definitions and the Measurements of Legibility and Readability in Instructional Text Design Research: An Integrative Review


The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the comparability of the definitions and the measurements of legibility and readability across eighty-three journal articles, one thesis, and three dissertations (eighty-seven sources in total). Mixed methods in this integrative review were used to investigate the definitions and the measurements of these two terminologies. The findings of the study showed that the definitions of legibility were present in thirteen journal articles and four theses/dissertations (seventeen sources in total). Legibility was identified in fifty-one sources and described in five sources. The measurement of legibility was found in twenty-four sources (twenty journal articles and four theses/dissertations). The other terminology, readability, was defined in nine journal articles and four theses/dissertations (thirteen sources in total). Readability was identified in twenty-eight sources and described in six sources (all of which came from the journal articles). The measurement of readability was observed in fifteen sources (thirteen journal articles and two theses/dissertations). Though the definitions are present in a total of thirty sources (seventeen sources for legibility and thirteen sources for readability), the consistency of the definitions is not evident. The definitions of legibility and readability are frequently confused for one another in the sources. In addition, the measurements of legibility and readability are not always based on the consistent use of instruments or measures. Thus, in order that comparability can be conducted from one study to another, these two terminologies should be defined and measured on similar bases.


Helen Hendaria Kamandhari
Educational Research Specialist, CE2A (Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning), Universidad de IngenierĂ­a y TecnologĂ­a (UTEC), Lima, Peru


Presentation Type

Online Lightning Talk


Publishing Practices: Past, Present, and Future


Comparability,Legibility,Readability,Definitions,Measurements,Integrative Review