Creating an Open Textbook: A Spanish Literature Professor’s Perspective


This paper presents the experiences of a professor from a large U.S. university preparing and using a literary textbook available free of charge to students and teachers to use, adapt, and modify. The book is a brief anthology of Spanish Romanticism with a thematic focus on legends and archetypes, and includes a historical introduction and period-specific visual art. The paper discusses conception, focus, sources, layout, software, peer-editing, distribution, student reception, and professional review. This project is a small example of textbook publishing that gives more readers access to books, allows more authors to publish highly specialized books, and invites more people to modify and adapt books.


Robert Sanders


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Publishing Practices: Past, Present, and Future


Textbook, Literature, Open-Access, Publishing, PDF, Ereader, Fair-Use